At this point in time, the old and young alike all know what a seat belt is and why it is important to use one. Pretty much everyone has received some sort of lecture or lesson in his or her lifetime advising on using a safety belt to avoid any serious injury or even death on the road. However, not many people know the different parts of a seat belt and what each part is responsible for. Below, I will go into detail about two main parts of a safety belt.
One important part of the seat belt is the pretensioner. The seat belt pretensioner, otherwise known as just the “buckle” is the female portion of the seat belt. It is where the seat belt latch buckles into. Most seat belt buckles are not equipped with gas charges, but some are—and this serves them as a secondary restraint. During an accident, the gas charge is the small explosive device manufactured into the seat belt that goes off.
Another equally important part of the seat belt is the retractor. The retractor is the male portion of a seat belt, and is where the actual webbing material feeds from. The seat belt retractor holds the responsibility for locking up during sudden stops. A spring, gears, pyrotechnic explosive device, and a sensor all make up the retractor. All cars manufactured in the U.S. after the year 1995 have at least one modern safety belt retractor.
Of course, if any part of your seat belt becomes defective or stops working as it is intended to work, you should get it repaired or get a new one. Seat belt restoration is a wise alternative to buying a brand new seat belt. With the company Safety Restore you can get quality seat belt restoration for a very affordable price. Log onto and order your seat belt restoration today!
Different Parts of A Seat Belt